(PART 1)
By: Carlos Antonio Martinez, Jr., 32º, P:.V:.M:.K:.
I was initiated, passed and raised in a so called “Regular Lodge”; That is to factually say, in a “Main Stream”-Anglo Aristocratic-Conservative-Patriarchal-Dogmatic styled Masonic Lodge; However, having been made a Free-Mason in my heart first, my Reason-Intellect, Conscience-Spirit and allegiance to the Universal Principles of F-R-E-E-Masonry compel me to concur with Brothers and Sisters who opine that “Regularity” is unique and can only be given/certified by:
- Labor(s) in Lodge, carried out in genuine solidarity and fraternal union.
- Constancy.
- The practice of Universal Masonic Symbolism.
- A good internal administration of the Temple.
- The perseverance in the struggle to positively transform individual conditions, as an indispensable requisite aimed at improving our social surroundings in their different scales and stages.
In the administrative plane, in order for an individual to be considered a “Regular Mason”, he/she must be the active member of ANY Masonic Lodge, and this same demand applies to any Lodge when required to be federated to any Grand Obedience/Potency.
On its own part, transposing the fundamental principles of Legal Rights and Liberties adopted and adapted to official Masonic operations, usages and customs, a Lodge, as an institution and legal entity, has a dual nature:
- It is Sovereign in its internal life, and
- It is Equal in its external life, before ALL other Lodges, a SINE QUA NON requisite to be able to work in assembly and effectuate agreements, norms and actions that are convenient to all.
The problem is that, in the case of “Obediences/Allegiances”, organized Masonry is yet to overcome the radical mentality of the 18th century that insists on the absurd foolishness of self-proclaiming to be Title Holders of “Original Regularity”, as though “regularity” was something that can be property of one person (physical or moral) and not – as it factually is – a conjunction of attributes and faculties whose accomplishments are the duty of every Free-Mason, Lodge and/or Potency (“Grand Body”) that insist on self-denominating “Regular”.
The Masonic organizations CLIPSAS and SIMPA are good examples of the road-to-follow with respect to “general/official recognition”. Masonic Regularity means: to enjoy Interior and Exterior Sovereignty; to be Constant; to be Practitioner(s) of Universal Masonic Symbolism; to live the Tao of Free-Masonry; to be Healthy in our Lodge administration(s) and Persevering in Humanism, Fraternity, Charity and Tolerance; and to feel and be Equal to ALL Masonic institutions, in order to merge efforts and conform a single entity capable of causing an external effect even more impressive and efficacious.
That, is the “Regularity” that ALL of us organized Masons should advocate. Organized Masonry not only has a Past and Past Deeds to reconsider and feel proud of, but also a long road ahead of it, which must be paved and walked to effect the advancement of the Masonic Order and of Humanity.